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Preserving Privacy in an age of increased surveillance – A Biometrics Perspective

Date: 2017-10-19 (10:00-16:30) Location: IBM SouthBank, Fleming Room, 76/78 Upper Ground, South Bank, London SE1 9PZ

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with IBM Emerging Technologies
Attendance is free of charge.
Number of places on this workshop is limited. Early registration is recommended prior to 2017-09-30

This one-day workshop will focus on privacy issues surrounding biometric technologies and applications. We will together reflect upon the many new threats and opportunities arising from the rapid increase in the channels of biometric data capture (e.g. sensors on mobile devices) and processing capabilities. The workshop will bring together various stakeholders from amongst end users, technology developers, researchers and legal experts to discuss the serious challenges that these developments present and explore together ways for addressing them.

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10:00 Saritha Arunkumar
Farzin Deravi

Introductions and Kick-off

IBM Research
University of Kent
10:05 Saritha Arunkumar

Objectives of the workshop

IBM Research
10:30 Marta Gomez-Barrero

Secure and Privacy Preserving Biometric Systems: from Presentation Attack Detection to Biometric Template Protection

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
11:15 Simon Rogers

Biometrics – Privacy and Ethics


Coffee/tea break

12:15 Emilio Mordini

What Machines Can Tell From Your Face. Pseudoscience and error of logics in facial recognition

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Expert and Consultant


14:00 Catherine Jasserand-Breeman

Large-scale face databases and the GDPR: the new data protection rules applicable to research

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
University of Groningen

Coffee/tea break

15:15 Martin Stokkenes

Privacy Preserving Biometric Recognition on Smartphones

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Norwegian University for Science and Technology
15:55 Farzin Deravi
Saritha Arunkumar

Concluding remarks

University of Kent
IBM Research

Next Event

Info letter

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