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Biometrics for Civil ID - Workshop and Conference

Date: 2016-06-15 (09:00-17:00) Location: Hotel Postillion Bunnik, Kosterijland 8 3981 AJ Bunnik, The Netherlands

Organizer: Platform Identity Management Netherlands in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics
Speakers: Jasper Mutsaers, Victoria Saue, Max Snijder, Reinier van der Drift and others

Biometrics for Civil ID is a workshop and conference about the use of biometrics for national identity systems and electronic services. The paper ‘Identity Management in 2030’ by the Dutch National Office for Identity Data provides us with a vision where conclusive proof of identity is evolving into a situation of achieving evidence of identity, subjected to scenarios, availability of information and prior knowledge about a person.

The first Apple smart phones with inbuilt fingerprint authentication functionality has brought biometric authentication into the domain of mass markets. At the same time, governments understand that identity management is crucial to their operations and that a reliable identity infrastructure is a precondition for a successful implementation of identity management. Both in the electronic services domain as well as in national identity management, biometrics seem increasingly to take a pivotal role in facilitating convenient electronic consumer services, while providing an important addition to the establishment of a credible identity. This includes the power of biometrics to de-duplicate ID databases and to prevent identity fraud with tokens such as passports, national ID cards and smart phones.

The workshop and conference will look into future scenarios starting with the reality of today. Topics to be discussed are:

  1. Identity Management in 2030: the global approach on identity;
  2. Exchange of formal legal and functional credentials in European context;
  3. Civil-id in consumer markets;
  4. Biometrics & mobile authentication: new payment platforms leading the way in biometrics (Samsung Pay, Apple Pay etc.);
  5. Biometrics for Civil-ID international context (international speaker)

Entrance fees: normal: 375,- Euro / EAB members: 175,- Euro (also for PIMN and ECP members)


09:00 Max Snijder

WORKSHOP - Biometrics for Civil ID

A short introduction to the workshop will be provided.

Secretary of the European Association for Biometrics
09:15 Jasper Mutsaers

Identity Management in 2030 and the role of biometrics

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
National Office for Identity Data (RvIG, Dutch Ministry of the Interior
09:40 Joost van Prooijen

Biometrics and Civil ID

10:05 Victoria Saue

e-Residency and e-Business

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Enterprise Estonia
10:30 Arthur Dallau

Root‐id and birth certificates

Dutch Association of Civil Services (NVVB)
10:55 Max Snijder

Introduction to Break-out Session

Three scenarios are selected from the 'Identity Management in 2030' paper and will be discussed and analyzed in three groups based on a Quick Scan Checklist. The Quick Scan Checklist will be briefly explained.

Secretary, European Association for Biometrics
11:10 Moderator for each group

Break-out Session

Each of the three groups will discuss one of the selected scenario's. A feasibility analyses will be done based on the Quick Scan Checklist provided by Max Snijder.

11:50 Max Snijder

Plenary presentation and discussion for the results

In a plenary setting we will discuss the results from the three groups.

Secretary of the European Association for Biometrics
12:30 Max Snijder


European Association for Biometrics


13:30 Max Snijder, moderator


13:35 Jasper Mutsaers

Identity Management in 2030

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Dutch National Office for Identity Data (RvIG)
14:00 Reinier van der Drift

Authentication technologies; trends and developments

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
14:25 Maarten Wegdam

Mobile authentication with e-passport and smartphone

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.


15:20 Joost van Prooijen

Biometric ID in Consumer Markets

15:40 Victoria Saue

Biometrics for Civil ID and e-Residency

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Enterpise Estonia
16:05 Arnold Rosendaal

Opportunities in the eID Market

Privacy Company
16:30 Moderator: Max Snijder

Panel Discussion

Topic: Biometrics and Global Identity: “It is inevitable that governments will store biometrics of all citizens in order to support national identity management.”


End of the Conference

Report of the Workshop

Next Event

Info letter

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  • Logo of Biometric Update
  • CPDP 2024
  • Identity Day Logo
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  • TeleTrusT Logo