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Biometrics in Aviation

Date: 2017-06-12 Location: Lisbon, Radisson Blu Hotel (Ave. Marechal Craveiro Lopes, 390 Campo Grande 1749-009 Lisbon Portugal)

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with IATA

Banner for Biometrics in AviationBiometrics, both for automated and computer-assisted processes, is becoming more important in the practice of policing, law enforcement (surveillance, intelligence, investigation and evaluation), immigration and border control due to growing phenomena such as mobility, migration, digital economy and cyber societies. Airports, airlines and governments are increasingly confronted with biometrics driven innovations. The e-passport has given an impulse to the development of so called e-gates (or ABC-gates), where verification based on facial recognition facilitates a semi-automated border crossing experience. Many countries have installed biometric equipment to register the biometrics data of incoming travelers. Airlines are working on paperless boarding.

It is evident that biometric technologies have taken a key role in the facilitation of more convenient and secure passengers processing schemes. However, these developments are fragmented. There is a need for information sharing on best practices and lessons learned. A lack of standardization hinders the market uptake of these innovative solutions. Testing and certification is still an area that needs to be explored and developed.

The seminar Biometrics in Aviation will discuss today’s developments in the perspective of the future of identity in an increasingly networked world.The seminar will further familiarize you with biometric methods and applications by providing guidance and new insights on how biometrics can optimize key aspects of the passengers processing at airports: seamless travel experience, customer interaction, operational efficiency, fraud reduction and prevention. During the seminar we will reflect the many new opportunities arising from improved biometric technologies and methods, intelligent use of networked data and sophisticated public/private partnerships:

  1. Hear about biometric solutions being a key enabler for a seamless and secure passengers process;
  2. Learn how biometrics support mega trends such as personalization and location independent services;
  3. Identify how biometrics can be embedded into front end and back end processes;
  4. Discuss the impact of biometrics for passengers processing in the aviation sector;
  5. To understand the role of biometrics in the perspective of current and future developments in global identity management;
In addition Biometrics in Aviation will be a meeting place for all major stakeholders from the aviation industry, including airports, airlines, government and industry.

Entrances fees: 375,- (normal) / 225,- (EAB Members) / 0,- (end-users: airlines, airports, governments)

(see below the preliminary program; changes may occur)

We thank our partner:

Logo of IATA

We thank our sponsors:

Logo of BioTrustID Logo of BIOMETRIC UPDATE Logo of HSB identification Logo of NEC Logo of vision-box

Entrance fees: normal: 375,00 € / EAB members: 225,00 € / End-Users (airlines, airports, government): 0,- €



Registration and coffee/tea

10:00 Jaap Kuipers

Welcome and Opening by the Chairman

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European Association for Biometrics, Chairman Identity Network Netherlands
10:15 Pierre Charbonneau

Opening Keynote: the changing landscape of passengers facilitation

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IATA, Director Passenger &. Facilitation
10:40 Annet Steenbergen

Biometrics as a single token to create a seamless passenger flow; the Aruba Happy Flow concept

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Advisor Happy Flow and Pre-clearance at the Government of Aruba
11:05 William Seaman

e-Passport ecosystem supporting seamless and secure travel

ICAO, Member New Technology Working Group


12:00 Jeff Lennon

Application and Management of biometrics in the air travel process

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VisionBox, VP for Business Development & Sales
12:25 Ruud ten Hoorn

Electronic ID for Easy and Secure Travel

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HSB Identification, Commercial Director
12:50 Hans Canisius

Towards the act-now airport and the value of biometrics; convenient & secure airport operations

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BioTrust, Principal Consultant Airport Operations


14:15 Emil Begovic

Simplifying and enhancing a seamless passenger travel experience

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Lufthansa and IATA, Chairman Biometrics Working Group
14:40 Rob Watts

Safe, efficient, comfortable airport operation

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Regional Sales Director at NEC
15:05 Michael Hardin

Biometrics for Entry/Exit

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Deputy Director of the US CBP Entry/Exit Transformation Office


16:00 Sirra Toivonen

Current practice and vulnerabilities of ABC in Europe

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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
16:25 Simon Wilcox

Experiences and way forward

Passenger Automation Programme Lead Development at London Heathrow Airport
16:50 Jaap Kuipers, Moderator

Panel Discussion: the future of passengers facilitation at airports and the role of biometrics

European Association for Biometrics, Chairman Identity Network Netherlands
17:15 Jaap Kuipers

Wrap up and Closure of the Seminar

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
European Association for Biometrics, Chairman Identity Network Netherlands

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Our partners

  • Logo of Biometric Update
  • CPDP 2024
  • Identity Day Logo
  • Springer Logo
  • TeleTrusT Logo