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EAB Biometrics Training

Date: 2021-09-16 (2021-09-17) - 09:00 (15:30) Location: This will be a virtual event

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the evening before the event via email.

This training aims to provide an opportunity to learn first-hand from world-leading experts both the basics of biometric systems and also the latest developments across the community. It is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders including industrial and governmental developers and end-users, researchers, academics and post-graduate students, and policy makers.

Sponsor of this event:

Logo of secunet Security Networks

We thank our media partner:

Logo of Biometric Update

Entrance fees: normal: 300,00 € / EAB members: 100,00 € / Sponsors & Speakers: 0,00 €

Thursday, 16 September 2021

09:00 Richard Guest

Welcome and Introduction

University of Kent
09:10 Jim Wayman

Introduction to Biometrics

San José State University
10:10 Catherine Jasserand

Legal Aspects of Biometric Use

KU Leuven

Communication break

11:30 Mona Heidari

Practical Considerations in the Use of Biometric Systems

Brno University of Technology

Lunch Break

13:30 Javier Ortega-Garcia

Biometrics Beyond Security Applications

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
14:30 Simon Kirchgasser

Vascular Recognition

University of Salzburg

Communication break

15:45 Emilio Mordini

Ethical Aspects of Biometric Use

Responsible Technology

End of Day 1

Friday, 17 September 2021

09:00 Christoph Busch

Biometric Attack Detection

Hochschule Darmstadt
10:00 Raymond Veldhuis

Biometric Template Protection

University of Twente

Communication break

11:30 Vitomir Štruc

Face Recognition in the wild and with 3D

University of Ljubljana

Lunch Break

13:30 Richard Guest

Mobile Biometrics

University of Kent
14:30 Arun Ross

Future Developments in Biometrics

Michigan State University

End of Day 2