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Human Face Recognition: Learning from Biological Deep Networks

Date: 2020-11-03 (12:30-13:30) Location: EAB Online Seminar

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required. Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials in the morning of the event.
Speakers: Massimo Tistarelli

Due to the imaging variabilities and to the complex nature of the face shape and dynamics, analyzing and recognizing human faces from digital images is still a very complex task.

In the last decade deep learning techniques have strongly influenced many aspects of computational vision. Many difficult vision tasks can now be performed by deploying a properly tailored and trained deep network. Oxford University’s VGG-face is possibly the first deep convolutional network designed to perform face recognition, obtaining unsurpassed performance at the time it was firstly proposed. The enthusiasm for deep learning is unfortunately paired by the present lack of a clear understanding of how they work and why they provide such brilliant performance. The same applies to Face Recognition.

Over the last years, several and more complex deep convolutional networks, trained on very large, mainly private, datasets, have been proposed still elevating the performance bar also on quite challenging public databases, such as the Janus IJB-A and IJB-B. Despite of the progress in the development of such networks, and the advance in the learning algorithms, the insight on these networks is still very limited.

For this reason, we shall analyse the neural architecture of the early stages of the human visual system to devise a biologically-inspired model for face recognition. The aim is not pushing the recognition performance further, but to better understand the representation space produced from a deep network and how it may help explaining the process undergoing a real biological neural architecture.

In this talk we analyse a hybrid model network trying to better understand the role of the different layers, including the retino-cortical mapping simulated by a log-polar image resampling. The following issues will be addressed:

  • What is the representation space within a deep convolutional network and how this reflects the organization of the human visual cortex?
  • How the retino-cortical mapping, implemented in the human visual system, may impact the representation space, hence improving the classification performance?
  • The relevance of peripheral vs foveal vision for face recognition.

Curriculum vitæ

Massimo Tistarelli received the Phd in Computer Science and Robotics in 1991 from the University of Genoa. He is Full Professor in Computer Science (with tenure) and director of the Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Sassari, Italy. Since 1986 he has been involved as project coordinator and task manager in several projects on computer vision and biometrics funded by the European Community.

Since 1994 he has been the director of the Computer Vision Laboratory at the Department of Communication, Computer and Systems Science of the University of Genoa, and now at the University of Sassari, leading several National and European projects on computer vision applications and image-based biometrics.

Prof. Tistarelli is a founding member of the Biosecure Foundation, which includes all major European research centers working in biometrics. His main research interests cover biological and artificial vision (particularly in the area of recognition, three-dimensional reconstruction and dynamic scene analysis), pattern recognition, biometrics, visual sensors, robotic navigation and visuo-motor coordination. He is one of the world-recognized leading researchers in the area of biometrics, especially in the field of face recognition and multimodal fusion. He is coauthor of more than 150 scientific papers in peer reviewed books, conferences and international journals. He is the principal editor for the Springer books Handbook of Remote Biometrics and Handbook of Biometrics for Forensic Science.

Prof. Tistarelli organized and chaired several world-recognized several scientific events and conferences in the area of Computer Vision and Biometrics, and he has been associate editor for several scientific journals including IEEE Transactions on PAMI, IET Biometrics, Image and Vision Computing and Pattern Recognition Letters.

Since 2003 he is the founding director for the Intl. Summer School on Biometrics (now in its 17th edition). He is a Fellow member of the IAPR and Senior member of IEEE, and Vice President of the IEEE Biometrics Council.


12:30 Massimo Tistarelli

Human Face Recognition: Learning from Biological Deep Networks

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University of Sassari, Italy

End of Lunch Talk