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Norsk Biometri Forum Meeting

Date: 2021-05-27 (09:30-15:30) Location: This meeting will be a virtual meeting. Login-information will be provided in the morning of the meeting via email

Organizer: Norwegian Biometric Forum in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required

The Norwegian Biometrics Forum (NBF) is an open platform dedicated to regular exchange of information and experience related to the field of Biometrics. The target of the group is the interdisciplinary discussion between research, technology developers, data privacy experts, governmental agencies and operators of Biometric Systems. In the regular meetings new applications, latest research results and products are presented.



Registration and coffee

09:30 Magnar Aukrust

Opening of the meeting

09:35 Christoffer Bonn

Behavioral profiling and EES

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Finnish Immigration Service
10:05 Brage Strand

Know your Customer and trusted Face Recognition

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Coffee Break

10:50 Maximilian Beck

ICAO's concepts on Digital Credentials

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11:20 Atle Årnes

Utfordringer i ID-forvaltning og bruk av biometri: Eksempler fra Datatilsynet arbeides-portefølje etter ett år med korona

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Lunch break

12:50 Gabriel Milan

CCTV application and the need for super recognisers

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13:20 Haoyu Zhang

Synthetic Face Data for Face Recognition Applications

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Coffee Break

14:05 Abden Hadid

Face AI: From Biometrics to Health Reading

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PU Hauts-de-France
14:35 Marianne Henriksen

The Population Registry and status on establishing an unique identity

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14:55 Lise Nilsen

The rise and shine of Norwegian ID-cards

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15:15 All participants

Reports and news on biometrics

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End of meeting