German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Date: | 2021-03-22 (10:00-17:00) | Location: | Virtual event. Access credentials will be distributed the evening before the event. |
Organizer: German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group in cooperation with the European Association of Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required.
Access data will be sent to the participants short before the event.
10:00 | Christoph Busch |
Welcome |
Hochschule Darmstadt |
10:10 | Manuel Günther |
The Objectosphere approach for detection of unknowns EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Uni Zürich |
10:45 | Roman Kessler |
Fingerprints - forever young? EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Hochschule Darmstadt |
11:20 |
Kommunikationspause |
11:40 | Stefan Pahmeier |
Enrolment Kiosk in der Passbehörde EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Speed Biometrics GmbH |
12:15 | Matthias Taube |
Rechtliche Grundlagen des Live Enrollment EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
13:00 |
Mittagspause |
14:00 | Sabrina Wagner |
Praxisbeispiel Gesichtserkennung in Massendaten - Möglichkeiten für die Polizeiarbeit EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Videmo |
14:35 | Maximilian Beck |
ICAO's concepts on Digital Credentials EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
15:10 |
Kommunikationspause |
15:30 | Ulla Coester |
Gesichtserkennung - eine Frage der Ethik EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
xethix |
16:05 | Christoph Busch |
Neues aus der Standardisierung EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Hochschule Darmstadt |
16:40 | Holger Mühlbauer |
Bericht der TTT GF |
TeleTrusT |
16:50 | Alle Teilnehmer |
Berichte |
17:00 |
Ende der Sitzung |