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Workshop on Protection of Biometric Data Under GDPR

Date: 2023-03-01 (13:00-17:00) Location: Remote

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.

Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials before the event via email.

[Illustration] Banner on Workshop on Protection of Biometric Data Under GDPR

Cognisant of the privacy risks for data subjects interacting with biometric systems, researchers in academia and industry have devised a variety of biometric template protection schemes based on one-way functions. Unlike traditional asymmetric encryption, one-way functions allow biometric recognition to happen in the encrypted domain. Thus, they protect the confidentiality and integrity of biometric templates end to end, that is, during transmission, processing, and storage.

To discuss the concerns about the legal implications of the protection schemes under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Association for Biometrics (EAB) is hosting a workshop on March 1st, 2023. The main themes covered will include GDPR safety standards, cryptography, and GDPR in relation to biometric data. The workshop will feature three keynote speakers, a roundtable discussion, and an online networking session.

The aim of the event is to inform about the topic, and to provide a comprehensive understanding of current trends, as well as to discuss current and future challenges related to biometric data protection under GDPR requirements.

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Beginning of the workshop

13:00 Dinusha Frings


13:05 Udo Mahlmeister

Introduction of the topic and discussion of the IEEE 2410-2021 standard

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
13:25 Patrick Grother

Keynote 1: Standards

ISO/IEC 24745 on template protection and ISO 30136 on measuring protection strength

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
13:45 Florian Hahn

Keynote 2: Cryptography

Types of encryptions: homomorphic encryption, hashing schemes, pseudonymous, anonymous, multi- party computation, and methods categorised into one-way encryption or tokenisation

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
University of Twente
14:05 Els Kindt

Keynote 3: GDPR in relation to biometric data

EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
KU Leuven


Roundtable - Moderators: Udo Mahlmeister and Catherine Jasserand

Roundtable: GDPR-anonymity of Biometric Templates at the Intersection of Law, Technology, and Standardization

  • Els Kindt (KU Leuven)
  • Patrick Grother (NIST)
  • Florian Hahn (University of Twente)
  • Agnidipto Tarafder (Jindal Global University)
15:40 Dinusha Frings

Wrap up


Online networking


End of the workshop