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Workshop on biometrics and mobility

Date: 2015-04-14 (09:00-16:30) Location: Restaurant Olympen (aka “Lompa”), Grønlandsleiret 15, 0190 Oslo (entrance next to restaurant, 3rd floor)

Organizer: EEMA Nordic Region/Norstella eID Interest Group in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics EAB

The future is mobile, and mobile devices have a range of possibilities for biometric sensors. The combination of these two technology trends may be the future of authentication solutions and the key to individuals' ubiquitous and seamless access to services and information. Join Norstella, EEMA and our international top level expert speakers to get a picture of both what is to come and what industry can deliver today. We aim at a highly interactive workshop format; join us in round table discussions on privacy issues and other implications.

The eID Interest Group of Norstella (the Norwegian foundation for eBusiness and Trade Procedures) runs regular workshops on eID‐related topics. The current workshop marks the start of a co‐operation with EEMA (the European Association for e‐Identity and Security) with the aim of establishing a Norwegian/Nordic regional interest group under the EEMA umbrella.


09:00 David Goodman
Terje Borge Olsen

Welcome and workshop introduction

09:10 Josef Noll

The Internet of people, things and services

University of Oslo and Centre for Wireless Innovation Norway
09:40 Patrick Bours

Biometrics and mobile devices

Gjøvik University College, Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory

Round table discussions

first impressions


Reports from round tables



Industry session
11:00 Susanne Hannestad

Getting rid of the PIN for cards

Zwipe AS
11:20 Ralph Bernstein

Markets and applications for fingerprint biometrics

11:40 Kristofer Nygren

Behaviour biometrics in practice and continuous verification

BehavioSec AB
12:00 Rolf Lindemann

Multifactor authentication in practice

Nok Nok Labs

Lunch at Olympen Restaurant

13:15 Rolf Lindemann

FIDO Alliance specifications and industry uptake

Nok Nok Labs

Round table discussions

market and solution


Reports from round tables



14:30 Jan Camenish

Privacy preserving authentication

IBM Research Zurich
15:00 Christian Schunck

SSEDIC.2020: Future of mobile eID

Fondazione Inuit University of Rome Tor Vergata

Round table discussions

How do we see the future?


Reports from round tables, wrap up and final discussions


End of Workshop

Informal get together beer at Olympen, which has one of Norway’s best selections of beers (not included in workshop fee)