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European Biometrics Symposium

Date: 2012-02-17 (08:30-17:45) Location: Square-Brussels Meeting Center, Rue Ravensteinstraat 2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics
Speakers: Peter Hustinx, Farzin Deravi, Alexander Nouak

The Symposium engages stakeholders from all European countries including the European Commission and the European Parliament. It brings together a pan European network of national contacts points and platforms from governments, industry and academia, and provides a program that appeals to common needs.

Entrance fees: normal: 275 € / EAB members: 75 € / BEST Network members: free



Registration and coffee/tea

09:00 Alexander Nouak

Welcome & Introduction

From BEST to EAB: objectives, structure and 2012 roadmap of activities

Fraunhofer IGD
Policy on ethics, privacy and socio-technical aspects (Chair: Juliet Lodge)
09:30 Peter Hustinx (keynote)

The impact of the Commission's proposals for a new DP framework on the use of biometrics for large scale public and private identity systems

European Data Protection Supervisor
10:00 Emilio Mordini

European Roadmap for ethical and socio-technical governance

10:20 Paul de Hert

Privacy Impact Assessment in Europe

An update on current developments in policy making and implementation

TILT/University of Brussels


Large scale systems: regional updates (Chair: Georg Hasse)
11:00 Knut Ovregard

Biometrics at the Norwegian National Identity Center

National Identity Center Norway
11:20 John Forrester, Alexandro Alessandroni

Italy: biometric passport update

Digit PA
11:40 Max Snijder

Netherlands: biometric passport update

European Biometrics Group
12:00 Martin Drahansky

Czech Republic: biometric passport update

Brno University of Technology


Training and Education (Chair: Raymond Veldhuis)
13:30 Farzin Deravi

Training and Education: objectives and planned activities under the EAB

University of Kent
13:50 Michiel Kraak

The importance of basic knowledge and awareness for complex decision making processes

UNHCR, Program Director ID Systems
14:10 Patrizio Campisi

Promoting European research: the EAB Biometrics Research Award

Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre Uniroma 3
14:30 Raul Sanchez-Reillo

Testing and Evaluation in Europe: proposed actions to leverage European testing and evaluation capabilities

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Commercial and Emerging applications (Chair: Christer Bergman)
15:20 Herbert Leitold

Biometrics for e-services: what is the business case?

A-SIT Zentrum für sichere Informationstechnologie
15:40 Jagan Vysyaraju

Developments on biometrics for financial transactions: from ATM to e-banking

Télécom Sud-Paris
16:00 Didier Chaudun

Biometrics and smartcards: a smart marriage for trust and convenience

16:20 Peter Hanel (Moderator)

Panel discussion: Biometrics and Identity in Europe:

  • Do we need additional regulation and/or legislation at European level?
  • How will testing and evaluation capabilities develop in Europe?
  • How does European research perform in international context?
  • Which are the most promising uses cases for biometrics?
17:20 Alexander Nouak

Closing remarks

Fraunhofer IGD

End of the Symposium