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Date: 2012-06-14 (09:00-12:30) Location: Oberthur Technologies Denmark A/S Tørringvej 15, 2610 Rødovre

Organizer: Danish Biometrics in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required
Please note that all presentations will be held in danish language!

This is the 5th meeting since 2010. This time we will have presentations from Oberthur Technologies about their view on chip card solutions with integrated biometrics. Here after there will be a delivery on the status of the Danish national logon solution NemID including a perspective on biometrics. Finally a representative from Vækstfonden will tell about funding opportunities. Vækstfonden is a state investment fund, which aims to create new growth companies by providing venture capital and competence.

Entrance fees: normal: free


09:00 Frederik Kortbæk, koordinator


Danish Biometrics
09:05 Mads Peter Møller, Sales Manager

Fremtidsmulighederne for chipkortet

Oberthur Technologies
10:05 Nikolas Triantafyllidis, chefkonsulent

Status på NemID og NemID mobil


Kaffe/strække-­‐ben pause

11:15 Jakob Fuhr Hansen, Investment Director

Vækstfondens 3 produkter til iværksætter virksomheder

