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EAB members conference

Date: 2012-12-11 (10:00-17:00) Location: Fraunhofer-Forum, Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics

We invite all EAB members to join us in a conference to discuss the charters and progresses of the SIGs, Committees and Working Groups.


10:00 Alexander Nouak


(Fraunhofer IGD) EAB Chairman
10:05 Max Snijder

EAB achievements and strategy

  • activities in the first year
  • research award 2012
  • partnerships, future events and meetings
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(EBG) Secretary of EAB

SIG's: charter, progress, activities, members etc.

10:45 Cyrille Bataller

Industry SIG

  • presence at events
  • inventory biometric deployments in Europe
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(Accenture), Chairman Industry SIG
10:45 Ralph Lessmann

 Industry SIG (cont.)

  • white paper on best practices
  • inventory of privacy/data protection entities/regulations
  • developing industry vision: The Future of Biometric Identity in Europe
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(CrossMatch), member Industry SIG
10:45 Raymond Veldhuis

Academia SIG

Charter, activities, participants

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(University of Twente), Chairman Academia SIG
10:45 John Forrester

Operators SIG

Charter, activities, participants

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(Ancitel), Chairman Operators SIG

New working groups and committees

12:15 Mario Savastano

Working group on Data sharing

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(National Research Council of Italy)
12:15 Didier Meuwly

Working group on Foresic Biometrics

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(Netherlands Forensic Institute)




14:00 Christoph Busch and Farzin Deravi (via Skype)

Training and Education

  • Charter, activities, participants
  • EAB endorsement of courses, seminars, workshops etc.
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(Gjovik Unversity College), Deputy Chair TEC and (University of Kent), Chairman TEC
14:45 Emilio Mordini

Ethics and privacy

Charter, activities, participants

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(CSSC), Chairman EPC
15:30 Sébastien Marcel

Testing and Evaluation

  • Charter, activities, participants
  • cooperation with BEAT
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(IDIAP, Coordinator BEAT), Chairman ETC


16:45 Els Kindt

Privacy Impact Assessment WG

  • progress and planning
  • next meeting/activities
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(University of Leuven), Co‐chair PIA WG
16:45 Matthias Pocs

Privacy Impact Assessment WG (cont.)

Proposal for a biometrics PIA framework method

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(University of Kassel), PIA WG Member
17:30 Alexander Nouak

Wrap up and closure

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(Fraunhofer IGD) Chairman of EAB