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EAB Virtual Events Series – Biometrics Challenges in the European Banking Ecosystem

Date: 2021-04-21 - 2021-04-23 Location: Virtual Conference; access data will be sent to the participants short before the event.

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with Cabinet Louis Reynaud (CLR Labs)

Organizing Committee: Jean Salomon, Dinusha Frings, Stéfane Mouille (CLR Labs)

Registration for the April 21, 2021 event will give you access to both conference day 1 and day 2.

Entrance fees: normal: 200,00 € (excl. VAT) / EAB members: 100,00 € (excl. VAT) / Speakers, and Students with valid EAB Membership: 0,00 €

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event. Please use the PayPal option at checkout.
Students have free access if they have a Students membership with the EAB. Please include your university email for verification purposes.

[Illustration] Woman in front of huge mobile phone The European banking ecosystem is a hyper-regulated market, encompassing accounting policy, risk credit, and involving Agencies such as the EBA (European Banking Authority) in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing actions, on top of the overarching EU DG FISMA.

In parallel, banks are providing financial services that are composed mainly by three offers: banking account, payments means and loans. In this respect all main banks’ activities are impacted by European regulations and by the digitalisation of the society.

Biometrics is now a critical technology empowering several policies to make sure that any customers’ and prospects’ digital identity are secure when entering into:

  • Purely on-line on-boarding or enrolment to a new account covered by the AML regulation, also known as “Know Your Customer”.
  • Secure electronic authentication to your on-line banking account, covered by the PSDII directive.
  • Secure electronic signature when subscribing to on-line services, covered by the eIDAS regulation.
  • Secure contactless physical payments.

The event will be centred on policy, standard, technologies and business, around three pillars:

  1. Digital Identity and biometrics in the banking world: the Policy landscape.
  2. The Biometrics technology challenges of the digital Identity verification.
  3. Focus on key topics and challenges.

The speaker roster will include officials from Governmental Agencies, Banking industry practitioners and well as Digital Identity and Biometrics experts. The program will include engaging with an expert panel on current challenges of digital identity verification.

SILVER Sponsor of this event:

Logo of CORE

Sponsor of this event:

Logo of innovatrics

Abstract vector created by vectorjuice - www.freepik.com

Entrance fees: normal: 200,00 € (excl. VAT) / EAB members: 100,00 € (excl. VAT) / EAB Members - Students (BSc, MSc, PhD): 0,00 € / Speakers: 0,00 €

Wed. April 21, 2021 - Biometrics Challenges in the European Banking Ecosystem

I Day 1: Digital ID & Biometrics in the banking world: Policy landscape
Session Chair: Stéfane MOUILLE
09:30 Jean SALOMON

Virtual Conference Day 1 Welcome and Introduction

09:40 Nicolo BRIGNOLI and Raphaël LEMAHIEU

AML, PSDII and new package on digital identity in banking: principles & objectives

EU Commission – DG FISMA
10:05 Alban FERAUD

The EU Policy Biometrics landscape and its associated upcoming Industry challenges

10:30 Pierre CHASSIGNEUX

NFC transactions and the opportunity around biometric verifications

GIE CB (France)
10:55 Clémence SCOTTEZ

GDPR and Biometrics



II Day 1: Biometrics technology challenges of Digital ID verification
Session Chair: Stéfane MOUILLE
11:35 Dr. Waldemar GRUDZIEN

Security challenges and lessons learned from field implementation of on-line digital identity in banking using biometrics technologies

Keynote presentation from CORE SE Sponsor
12:00 Moderator: CLR Labs, CORE SE, Luxtrust (Thomas KOPP), INNOVATRICS (Peter MARTIS)

Challenges of digital identity verification (Document fraud, Security Certification scheme for biometrics, Business model, etc.)

Panel: Consultants, SME in digital ID verification, eIDAS Trusted services provider, National IT Security Agency
13:00 Stéfane MOUILLE

Wrap-up of Day 1


End of Conference Day 1

Fri. April 23, 2021 - Biometrics Challenges in the European Banking Ecosystem

III Day 2: Focus on key topics and challenges
Session Chair: Jean SALOMON
09:30 Jean SALOMON

Virtual Conference Day 2 Welcome and Introduction

09:35 Speaker TBC

Field implementation of NFC payment using biometrics technologies

European Bank
10:00 Dominik SIEBERT

Weak customer authentication - Why are PSD2 SCA requirements taking effect only now, and why this is an opportunity for banks

CORE SE Managing Partners
10:25 Sylvie LACROIX


10:50 Philippe BLOT

European CSA certification framework

11:15 Donal GREENE


11:45 Hugo MANIA and Romain SANTINI

First certification referential for on-line digital ID verification

ANSSI (French National Agency for IT Security)
12:10 Stéfane MOUILLE

Biometric evaluation and certification challenges: need for a European Certification scheme

CLR Labs
12:35 Artur BURGARDT & Fabian MEYER

Biometrics as a cross-industry business enabler - Benefits & limitations from real-live examples

CORE SE Managing Partners
13:00 Speaker TBC

Mobile Biometrics verification: standards, challenges and opportunities

13:25 Jean SALOMON

Conclusion, wrap-up & takeaways


End of Conference Day 2