German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Date: | 2022-03-29 (10:00-17:00) | Location: | Virtual room: |
Organizer: German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group in cooperation with the European Association of Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required.
Access data will be sent to the participants in the morning of the event.
10:00 | Christoph Busch |
Eröffnung |
Hochschule Darmstadt |
10:10 | Jessica Heesen |
Biometrie aus der Sicht der Ethik EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Uni Tübingen |
10:45 | Stephan Schindler |
Zulässigkeit biometrischer Gesichtserkennung in Verbindung mit Videoüberwachung EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Uni Kassel |
11:20 |
Kommunikationspause |
11:45 | Robert Nichols |
Psychophysical Evaluation of Human Performance in Detection Digital Face Image Manipulations EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Hochschule Darmstadt |
12:20 | Benjamin Tams |
Morphing Attack Detection EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
secunet |
12:55 |
Mittagspause |
13:55 | entfällt |
entfällt |
14:30 | Daniel Gläsner |
Einführung in die Biophysik kontaktloser Fingerabdruck Aufnahmen EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
IDloop |
15:05 |
Kommunikationspause |
15:30 | Christoph Busch |
Bericht aus der SC37 Standardisierung EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Hochschule Darmstadt |
16:05 | Clemens Gause |
Biometrie in der Sicherheitstechnik EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
VfS |
16:40 | All participants |
Aktuelle Berichte EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
17:00 |
Ende der Veranstaltung |