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EAB & CITeR Biometrics Workshop

Date: 2023-04-18 - 2023-04-19 Location: Martigny, Switzerland and online

Organizer: The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in collaboration with the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) and IDIAP

!!!SOLD OUT!!! Tickets to participate in person are SOLD OUT!!!

ONLINE participation open until start of event.

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event.

Note: If you are not yet an EAB-member, please consider to register for membership first (starting from 95,00 € per year). You then can register for online participation of the workshop as an EAB-member for only 100,00 € instead of 200,00 €, which means an overall saving of 5,00 € and access to all the benefits of being an EAB member for the rest of the year!

[Illustration] EAB & CITeR Biometrics Workshop

The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) and the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) are organising a 2-day biometrics workshop, hosted by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny Switzerland on April 18-19 2023, on the topics of Bias mitigation, Template Security, Presentation Attack Detection and Deepfakes. This workshop is a second edition of the EAB workshop on Presentation Attack Detection previously hosted at the Idiap Research Institute in 2020.

The workshop will be co-located with the CITeR Spring 2023 Program Review and training events of the TReSPAsS-ETN and PriMa-ITN projects.

GOLD Sponsors of this event:

Logo of IDEMIA Logo of Jenetric Logo of TECH 5Logo of VERIDIUM

We thank our media partner:
Logo of Biometric Update

Entrance fees: normal: 360,00 € / EAB members: 240,00 € / CITeR member: 90,00 € / EAB Member virtual | CITeR member virtual: 100,00 € / Normal virtual : 200,00 € / EAB speaker | non-EAB speaker: 200,00 € / CITeR speaker: 90,00 €

Tuesday, 18 April 2023



08:45 Sébastien Marcel
Stephanie Schuckers
Dinusha Frings


Idiap Research Institute
European Association for Biometrics
08:55 Andrea Cavallaro

Welcome from Idiap Director

Idiap Research Institute
Biometric Template Protection
09:00 Marta Gomez-Barrero

Keynote: Evaluation of Biometric Template Protection Schemes

Hochschule Ansbach
09:45 Rahul Parthe

TECH5’s Biometric and 2D Digital Storage Technologies for Digital ID

10:00 Erik Guoqiang Li

A Deployable Face Privacy Preserving Solution Powered by Homomorphic Encryption

10:15 Lennig Pedron

Trust Valley Switzerland


Communication Break

11:00 Christian Rathgeb

Biometric Cryptosystems

Hochschule Darmstadt
11:20 Johannes Ernst

Privacy Preserving Biometric Authentication Using Functional Encryption

University of St.Gallen
11:40 Hatef Otroshi

Inversion of Deep Face Recognition Templates

Idiap Research Institute
12:00 Norman Poh

Improving Trustworthiness of Identity using Biometrics, Computer Vision, and Cryptography


Lunch Break

13:45 Anderson Rocha

Keynote: DeepFakes and Synthetic Realities: How to Fight Back?

State University of Campinas
14:30 Matthias Neu

Automated Manipulation of Multimedia Identity Representations: threats and challenges

Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
14:45 Nick Gaubitch

Presentation attack detection in reverberant environments

15:00 Sascha Frühholz

Cognitive and neural mechanisms for deepfake identity detection in humans

University of Oslo

Communication Break

16:00 Gian Luca Marcialis

The Deepfake detection – “generalization” is the key

Università degli Studi di Cagliari
16:20 Arun Ross

Iris DeepFakes

Michigan State University
16:40 Pavel Korshunov

Towards Audio-Visual DeepFakes

Idiap Research Institute
17:00 Laurent Colbois

DeepFakes Attribution

Idiap Research Institute



Poster and Demo Session with Reception


End of Day 1

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

09:00 Stephanie Schuckers

Keynote: Evaluation & Certification of PAD, Deepfake Detection, and Bias: Progress and Challenges

Clarkson University
09:45 Daniel Krenzer

Catch me if you can! The importance of training databases in achieving a low failure to acquire-rate for fingerprints

10:00 Fantin Girard

Using smartphones for acceleration of crime scene investigation

10:15 Arun Vemury

Face Recognition Scenario testing, performance, and fairness

Department of Homeland Security

Communication Break

11:00 Manuel Günther

Bias mitigation in face recognition with score normalization

University of Zurich
11:20 Ketan Kotwal

Fairness assessment in biometrics

Idiap Research Institute
11:40 Christophe Ecabert

Training face recognition from scratch with synthetic data

Idiap Research Institute
12:00 Richard Tyson

Biometrics on the Edge: Leveraging Edge AI for Biometric Authentication on Mobile and Web

12:15 Idriss Mghabbar

How De-Biasing the Face Descriptors Makes Liveness Detection Fair


Lunch Break

Presentation Attack Detection
13:45 Gian Luca Marcialis

Keynote: Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection – exploring the “unknown”

Università degli Studi di Cagliari
14:30 Andrew Newell

Defeating Video Injection Attacks

14:45 Onur Yürüten

The use of Multi-Modal vectors to perform on-device liveness check

15:00 Anjith George

Multi-Spectral face Presentation Attack Detection

Idiap Research Institute
15:20 Nicholas Evans

ASVspoof and toward the tandem assessment of biometric comparators and presentation attack detection


Communication Break

16:00 Nasser Nasrabadi

Face Morphing Generation

West Virginia University
16:20 Christoph Busch

Morphing Attack Detection

Hochschule Darmstadt
16:40 Arun Ross

Face Morphing Attack Detection

Michigan State University
17:00 Kevin Carta

How Video Injection Attacks Can Even Challenge State-of-the-Art Face Presentation Attack Detection Systems ?

CLR Labs
17:15 Sébastien Marcel
Stephanie Schuckers
Dinusha Frings

Conclusion Remarks

Idiap Research Institute
European Association for Biometrics

End of Workshop

Next Event

Info letter

Our partners

  • Logo of Biometric Update
  • CPDP 2024
  • Identity Day Logo
  • Springer Logo
  • TeleTrusT Logo