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European Biometrics Max Snijder, Research, and Industry Awards 2024

Date: 2024-09-25 (15:00-18:00) Location: Online and Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstraße 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.

Registration (ext.)

EAB is launching the eighteenth European Biometric Max Snijder, Research, and Industry Awards. These prestigious awards are granted annually to individuals who have been judged by a panel of internationally respected experts to be making a significant contribution to the field of biometrics research in Europe.


15:00 Patrizio Campisi

Opening Remarks

Roma Tre University
15:10 To be announced

Greetings from our Sponsor

To be announced
15:15 Candidate 1

Thesis title of Candidate 1

15:45 All participants

Questions and answers for Candidate 1

16:00 Candidate 2

Thesis title of Candidate 2

16:30 All participants

Questions and answers for Candidate 2



16:55 Candidate 3

Thesis title of Candidate 3

17:25 All participants

Questions and answers for Candidate 3

17:40 All jury members

Jury meeting with final decision

18:00 All participants

EAB Award ceremony


End of meeting