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EAB Lunch Talk - Deepfake Detection to Stop Impersonation & Fake News

Date: 2024-10-09 (12:30-13:30) Location: Microsoft Teams

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.

Speakers: Ann-Kathrin Freiberg (BioID)


This Lunch Talk with discuss Deepfake Detection and the solutions BioID are developing to counter impersonation and fake news. In the age of generative AI, manipulated photo and video material needs to reliably be detected and stopped from being misused. To guard against political disinformation, identity theft and video call CEO fraud, the German biometrics company BioID provides a software to identify deepfakes and distinguish them from genuine material. The deepfake detector was originally developed as part of a BMBF funded project and is globally available as a SaaS platform today. With exponential deepfake technology advancements, BioID's expert team is continuously engaging in ever-more development and research. This is the only way today to stay ahead of fraud - using advanced artificial intelligence for offering deepfake detection Made in Germany.

Curriculum vitæ

As a VP for Business Development at BioID in Nuremberg, Ann-Kathrin delivers insights from forward-looking biometric research as well as the global identity & fraud prevention market. An expert for biometric authentication, liveness & deepfake detection since 2017, she supports identity verification projects from integration to launch. This makes Ann-Kathrin the ideal point of contact if it comes to any topic related to digital identity and the threats endangering this concept.

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12:30 Ann-Kathrin Freiberg

Deepfake Detection to Stop Impersonation & Fake News

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End of the Lunch Talk