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Workshop on Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection

Date: 2025-03-18 - 2025-03-19 Location: Online

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with Research Institute CODE.

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event. Please use the PayPal option at checkout.
Students have free access if they have a Students membership with the EAB. Please include your university email for verification purposes.


[Illustration] Banner on Workshop on Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection

The use of fingerprint recognition is increasing day by day. Not only are we required (in European countries) to capture our fingerprints in order to obtain a passport or (soon) be granted entry into the EU, but we use them on a daily basis for basic tasks such as unlocking our smartphones or confirming a bank transaction.

In spite of the numerous benefits of utilising fingerprint recognition, some drawbacks come with this technology: one does not need to be a tech expert to carry out a presentation attack that may fool a system into believing you are someone else. Unattended capture devices need to have a Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) subsystem, to prevent such attacks.

The workshop raises awareness about this issue and about the current efforts of the biometric community in order to minimise the impact of such attacks. We will thus present a definition of the problem and provide the audience with possible solutions and a look into the future steps.

This workshop will feature presentations by experts from academic, industry, and governmental organisations and will facilitate interactions and discussions between the experts and the audience.

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Entrance fees: normal: 200,00 € (excl. VAT) / EAB members: 0,00 € / EAB Members - Students (BSc, MSc, PhD): 0,00 € / Speakers: 0,00 €

The programme will be published shortly.

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