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European Biometrics Symposium

Date: 2014-02-13 (10:00-17:30) Location: CENELEC Meeting Centre; 17, Avenue Marnix; B-1000 Brussels; Phone: +32 2 5196871

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics

The need for understanding and exploiting the current and emerging technologies and services for the automated recognition of human identity is of increasing importance to the economic and social welfare. It deserves a concerted, multidisciplinary and sustained effort. The European context is unique for its diversity, interdependence, heritage and values. It creates special requirements and opportunities for the development of biometric technologies and services to maximise the benefit for the citizens and to protect society from any possible adverse side effects.
The European Biometrics Symposium engages stakeholders from all European countries including the European Commission and the European Parliament. It brings together a pan European network of national contacts points and platforms from governments, industry and academia, and provides a program that appeals to common needs.

Entrance fees: normal: 275,00 € / EAB members: 75,00 €



Registration and coffee/tea

10:00 Alexander Nouak

Welcome and introduction

EAB Chairman
From the EAB
10:10 Alexander Nouak

Two years of EAB: achievements, milestones and future plans

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EAB Chairman
10:30 Ann Cavoukian (Video Message)

Biometrics in a Post-Snowden era: loss of trust or new opportunities?

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IPC Ontario, Canada
European Updates – I
11:00 Sébastien Brangoulo

FIDELITY: the next generation e- passport: update on progress and results

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MORPHO (Safran Group), France

Coffee/tea break

European Updates - II
11:50 Peter Hanel

Treaty of Prüm: progress and challenges

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Austrian Ministry of the Interior, Prüm Consultant, Austria
12:15 Sébastien Marcel

Progress and intermediate results of BEAT and TabulaRasa

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IDIAP, Switzerland
12:40 Edgar Beugels

ABC at European airports: progress and future developments

Frontex Agency, Poland


International Updates
14:00 Christer Bergman

The International Biometrics and Identity Association: an update on US market developments

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14:25 Rui Wang

Biometrics in China

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Techshino, The Netherlands
14:50 Max Snijder

Biometrics for national ID: examples from Asia and Africa

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European Biometrics Group

Coffee/tea break

Biometrics and Society
15:45 Hielke Hijmans

Biometrics and data protection in Europe

European Data Protection Supervisor Office
16:30 Paul de Hert

Status and impact of revised European Data Protection

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
16:55 Alexander Nouak

Wrap up and closing remarks

EAB Chairman

End of Symposium