Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics
Date: | 2014-01-17 (14:00-18:00) | Location: | Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstraße 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany |
Organizer: European Association for Biometrics in cooperation with the Netherlands Forensic institute
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required
14:00 | Max Snijder |
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European Biometrics Group |
Introduction | |||
14:05 | Didier Meuwly |
Align the biometric and the forensic community
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Netherlands Forensic Institute |
General | |||
14:25 | Geoff Whitaker |
Forensic applications in the UK General presentation of the forensic applications in UK EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology |
Interoperability | |||
14:50 | Peter Hanel |
European cooperation: status of implementation of Prüm Presentation of the advance and issues related to interoperability of the Fingerprint and DNA modalities EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Ministry of the Interior, Austria |
15:15 |
Coffee Break |
Expert | |||
15:40 | Ambika Suman |
Expert assisted biometric systems Presentation of the draft document "Expert assisted biometric systems" of the ISO SC37 working group EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
UK Home Office |
Legal | |||
16:05 | Jim Wayman |
Forensic speaker recognition in the US: requirements and legal acceptance
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San Jose State University |
Method | |||
16:25 | Stefan Gefroerer |
Combining expert and automatic methods for forensic speaker recognition Presentation of the results of the BKA in the combination of the expert and automatic methods for forensic speaker recognition, from the casework, validation and research point of view EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
Bundeskriminalamt |
Research | |||
16:50 | Raymond Veldhuis |
Research topics in forensic face recognition EAB members may download additional files for this topic.
University of Twente |
Panel-Discussion | |||
17:15 | Didier Meuwly Geoff Whitaker Peter Hanel Jim Wayman Ambika Suman Stefan Gefroerer Ramond Veldhuis |
Forensic applications particularities Topics:
17:55 | Didier Meuwly Max Snijder |
Conclusion The aim is to use the result of the workshop and panel discussion to write and publish a white paper to set up a roadmap for the foundation of the EAB Special Interest Group of Forensic Biometrics, with the speakers as authors and having a larger panel from the EAB and from the ISO/IEC SC37 group endorsing it. |
Netherlands Forensic Institute EAB Secretariat |
18:00 |
End of workshop |