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EAB Research Projects Conference (EAB-RPC) 2014

Date: 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-09 Location: Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstraße 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Biometrics and Identity Management are key research topics that are currently investigated in a number EU-projects running under the seventh Framework program. International research is dealing with innovative solutions for secure and privacy compliant biometrics and federated identity management.

The EAB and the EU-projects FIDELITY, FastPass, BEAT, Future-ID, INGRESS, are jointly organizing a Research Project Conference (EAB-RPC), to present research results and in order to discuss the benefit of this research for our European society. Moreover experts from the biometric community will discuss on a panel Ethical and Privacy Issues of Biometrics and Identity Management. Furthermore a second panel will be devoted to discuss and identify future research topics in the Horizon2020 research program.

Entrance fees: normal: 360,00 € / EAB members: 240,00 € / Speakers: 120,00 €

Monday, 8 September 2014

Session: Opening
09:30 Alexander Nouak

Conference Opening

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Chairman of EAB
09:40 Martin Mühleck

Overview EU FP7 Projects

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10:00 Uwe Seidel

Need of ICAO for biometrics and identity management

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Communication Break

10:30 Sébastien Brangoulo

FIDELITY – Project Overview

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MORPHO (Safran Group), France
10:55 Ronald Belser

A European perspective on evidence of identity

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The Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service
11:20 Andreas Wolf

Passport application process and security of birth certificates

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Bundesdruckerei GmbH

Communication Break

12:05 Raffaele Capelli

Multi-modality biometrics for duplicate enrolment check

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University of Bologna
12:30 Nicolas Buchmann

A biometric variant of the PACE protocol

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Hochschule Darmstadt
12:55 Marco De Palma

Innovative border crossing and ID checks

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Selex ES

Lunch Break

Session: FastPass
14:20 Markus Clabian

FastPass - Project Overview

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AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
14:45 Günter Schumacher

Security Evaluation of ABC Systems

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Joint Research Centre
15:10 Diana Dimitrova

Legal aspects of ABC

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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Communication Break

15:55 Sirra Toivonen
Erik Krempel

Stakeholders and Requirements of ABC

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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Fraunhofer IOSB
16:20 Andreas Kriechbaum

Monitoring as a service for ABC

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AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
16:45 Bernhard Strobl

MobilePass – Towards a better mobile solution for Border Guards

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AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Communication Break

Panel Discussion
17:30 Els Kindt

Panel discussion: Ethical and Privacy Issues of Biometrics and Identity Management

  • Stefan Weber (VDI/VDE-IT)
  • Emilio Mordini (Responsible Technology SAS)
  • Maren Behrensen (Centre for Applied Ethics – Linköping University Sweden)
  • Catherine Jasserand (University of Groningen)
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Reception and get together

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Session: BEAT
09:00 Sébastien Marcel

BEAT – Project Overview

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Idiap Research Institute
09:20 Julian Fierrez

Evaluation of Biometric Performance

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, UNIS, Joint Research Center
09:45 Christian Noetzel

Evaluation of Vulnerabilities

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Communication Break

10:30 Berkay Topcu

Evaluation of Privacy Preservation

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10:55 Alain Merle

Standards and Certification

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Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – LETI
11:20 André Anjos

Reproducible biometrics evaluation and testing with the BEAT platform

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Idiap Research Institute

Communication Break

Session: Future ID (Room 074)
12:05 Heiko Roßnagel

Future ID – Project Overview

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Fraunhofer IAO
12:30 Bud Brügger

The FutureID Reference Architecture

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Fraunhofer IAO
12:55 Anja Lehmann

Integrating Attribute Based Credentials in the FutureID Architecture

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IBM Research

Lunch Break

14:30 Moritz Horsch

A universal eID application for authentication, signature, and more

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Technische Universität Darmstadt
14:55 Max Tuengerthal

Innovative Building Blocks for Future Identity Management Infrastructures

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15:20 Raik Kulisch

eID-Based Services in epSOS Using FutureID

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Fraunhofer FOKUS

Communication Break

Session: INGRESS (Room 048)
12:05 Stephane Revelin

INGRESS – Project Overview

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MORPHO (Safran Group)
12:30 Wieslaw Bicz

Fingerprint imaging with ultrasound

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12:55 Egidijus Auksorius

Full Field OCT and fingerprints imaging

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ESPCI – École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris

Lunch Break

14:30 Nenad Marjanovic

Printed Organic Electronics

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CSEM – Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique
14:55 Martin Olsen

Fingerprint Sample Quality

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Gjøvik University College
15:20 Christophe Champod

Altered fingerprint detection and comparison

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Université de Lausanne – UNIL

Communication Break

Panel Discussion
16:05 Raymond Veldhuis

Panel discussion: Research on Biometrics and Identity Management in Horizon 2020

  • Günter Schumacher (JRC)
  • Martin Drahansky (Brno University of Technology)
  • Sebastien Brangoulo (MORPHO (Safran Group))
  • Christoph Busch (Gjøvik University College)
University of Twente

End of conference