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Academia Special Interest Group


Biometrics, the automated recognition of individuals based on physiological characteristics or behavioural traits, has found its way to deployment in official, public and private applications, ranging from border control to access control of laptop computers. Despite this increasingly widespread use of biometrics, there is still ample room for improving the technology. Reliable recognition under uncontrolled or adverse conditions, secure and privacy preserving storage of biometric templates, recognition on the move, and traceless biometrics are just a few challenges that require further research. Research that is not restricted to the ICT domain, as legal and privacy issues as well as usability of biometric technology also require further study.

The academia, as independent research institutes, have always played a significant role in the development of biometric technology and, given the challenges ahead, they should continue to do so.

The EAB Academia SIG believes that independent academic research, both application-oriented as well as fundamental, in the field of biometrics must be recognized as being of crucial importance for future deployment and acceptance of biometric technologies in official, public and private applications. The EAB SIG also believes that the collaboration between academic groups in the area of Biometrics should be stimulated, in order to benefit from complementary competences and mutual inspiration.


The mission of the EAB Academia Special Interest Group is:

  • to consolidate the role of academia in the development of biometric technology,
  • to stimulate independent academic research,
  • to inform about the outcomes of this research, and
  • to stimulate research collaboration in Biometrics in Europe by organizing activities (workshops and conferences) aimed towards these goals.


  • Fostering a European biometrics academia community
  • Organizing informal events aimed at mutual inspiration
  • Giving visibility to the academic work by publishing abstracts of biometric graduation work
  • Coordinate the European workshops and conferences on biometrics: IWBF and BIOSIG
  • Producing joint research proposals
  • Maintain an inventory of open lab positions. EAB members can find a list and more information.
  • Erasmus exchange between SIG members. EAB members can find a list and more information.

Membership and Governance

  • All EAB academic members may apply for membership
  • SIG members are expected to actively contribute to the SIG's work
  • Observers may be invited upon approval of all members of the SIG and the Supervisory Board of the EAB
  • Observers may be excluded from the exchange of information generated by the SIG.

Chairpersons of the Academia SIG:

  • Ruben Vera, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Prof. Dr. Kiran Raja, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Further information

For further information you can contact:
Email: academia-sig-chair@eab.org

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  • Logo of Biometric Update
  • CPDP 2024
  • Identity Day Logo
  • Springer Logo
  • TeleTrusT Logo