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Membership Benefits

Three reasons to join Europe's leading ID community

  • EAB is the leading voice for the ID community in Europe. We are a non-profit, nonpartisan association.
  • EAB has a "cross-market" and holistic perspectives.
  • EAB provides networking opportunities between ID stakeholders from across sectors.

Member Benefits

Responsible use
Be part of the community that serves the citizens of Europe in the advancement of biometric ID systems that are fair, accessible and secure while respecting privacy.
Multi-stakeholder networking
Participation in networking and information sharing with governments, European Institutions, vendors, end users, research and academia
Raise your profile and credibility in the industry.
Connect with leading biometric experts from within Europe and receive expert's opinions and guidance to the application of biometrics to specific industries and applications.
Have access to the membership area of the EAB website and keep informed about latest trends in technology developments and state of the art deployments in Europe and abroad and policy making by European Institutions in the areas of immigration, border security, research, privacy/data protection and legislation.
Participate in Committees and working groups only accessible for EAB members or benefit from speaking opportunities at EAB events.
Be represented
Be represented as a community into high level policy making at national, European and international level.
Receive reduced fees or free access to selected EAB events
Your voice counts
Have the right to vote and stand for a position in the Supervisory board at the General Assembly.