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Past Events


German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group

Date: 2023-12-19 (10:00-16:45 CET) Location: Hybrid meeting: Bundesverband Deutscher Banken, Burgstr. 28, 10178 Berlin, Germany with the option for virtual participation. Please indicate in the comment field of your registration either "on-site" or "remote"

Organizer: German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group in cooperation with the European Association of Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge.
Please note that most presentations will be held in german language!


[Illustration] Banner on German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group

Workshop of the Biometrics Working Group of TeleTrusT, the IT Security Association in Germany

Audio Deepfakes: Exploring Their Benefits and Dangers and How to Detect Them

Date: 2023-12-12 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Piotr Kawa

[Illustration] Banner on Lunch Talk on Audio Deepfakes: Exploring Their Benefits and Dangers and How to Detect Them

This Lunch Talk will discuss the topic of audio DeepFakes. The presentation will highlight both its potential benefits and the threats related to the malicious use of voice synthesis technologies. We will discuss the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of speech synthesis and later learn about the latest techniques and tools developed to identify and combat these voice manipulations using audio DeepFake detection algorithms.

Curriculum vitæ

Piotr Kawa is an AI Tech Lead at IDENTT, working on various biometrics-related problems, including liveness verification and injection attack detection. As a PhD Candidate at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, he focuses on audio anti-spoofing problems, particularly detecting DeepFake manipulations.

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Deepfakes and Voice Biometrics: Staying Ahead of the Threat

Date: 2023-11-28 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Víctor Gomis

[Illustration] Banner on Lunch Talk on Deepfakes and Voice Biometrics: Staying Ahead of the Threat

This interactive Lunch Talk will discuss the use of voice biometrics for customer authentication, and how cloud-based solutions and deep neural networks can help mitigate the risks of synthetic voice attacks.

Curriculum vitæ

Víctor Gomis is a Security & Biometrics Sales Executive at Nuance (recently acquired by Microsoft). Passionate about technology and excellent communication, Victor has over 10 years of experience in the security market. Furthermore, he is specialised in identity theft and transactional fraud, helping companies and organizations in EMEA to enhance security in all customer engagement channels.

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Findings from Pseudo Law Enforcement Operational Trials Using Smartphone Contactless Fingerprint Capture Technologies for Search Use-cases

Date: 2023-11-14 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Tony Alexander, Guy Harris & Emily Cartledge

[Illustration] Banner on Lunch Talk on Findings from Pseudo Law Enforcement Operational Trials Using Smartphone Contactless Fingerprint Capture Technologies for Search Use-Cases

The UK Home Office and Dstl have been investigating contactless fingerprint capture technologies using Smartphones for a number of years. As the technology has matured, recent trials have focused on assessing the usability, capture and performance considerations in operational law enforcement environments. A number of technology solutions have been evaluated in a variety of operational scenarios. The presentation will run through the trials approach, key findings and the next steps.

Face Image Quality Workshop

Date: 2023-11-07 (13:00 CET) - 2023-11-09 (17:45 CET) Location: This will be a virtual event

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with DHS Office of Biometric Identity Management, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA), the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 working group 3 and project iMARS
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Indicated times refer to CET.


[Illustration] Banner on Face Image Quality Workshop

This workshop will present an update on the latest development on Face Image Quality.

This update will address through talks and panel discussions the following topics:

  • current state of the art of face image quality metrics
  • experience from stakeholder and requirements
  • introduction of training concepts
  • testing program (FRVT)
  • standardisation process

The NIST and the ISO/IEC SC37 WG3 are dedicated to promote ISO/IEC 29794-5.

Co-sponsors of this event:

Sponsors of this event:

Logo of secunet Security Networks Logo of IDEMIALogo of TECH 5

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Desperate Need for Biometric and Identity-Related Data

Date: 2023-10-31 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Dr. Wojciech Wodo

In this lunch talk, the speaker tries to identify the issues and challenges of capturing, storing, and managing the sensitive data associated with biometrics and identity. The available databases, repositories, and open data approach will be addressed. Almost every party handles the same challenge: how to get diverse and high-quality data for biometric or identity-based solutions. Where to find relevant presentation attack data? The highly regulated state of this data will be taken into consideration, and the vital need for international collaboration in this regard will be advocated.

Curriculum vitæ

Wojciech Wodo is an assistant professor at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, former head of R&D at PayEye Ltd. He obtained a PhD degree in the field of computer security. His areas of expertise are cybersecurity and computer security, especially in digital banking, electronic identity, and biometrics. He graduated from the Top 500 Innovators program at Haas School of Business UC Berkeley. Dr. Wodo is co-author of the monograph entitled "Analysis of the digital identity ecosystem in Poland, the level of its implementation and the usage scenarios of ID cards with an electronic layer" published in 2023.

More information will be provided shortly.

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IJCB 2023 – IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics

Date: 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-28 Location: Grand Hotel Union, Miklošičeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organizer: University of Ljubljana together with the European Association for Biometrics EAB
Program (ext.)

The IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) is the premier international forum for research in biometrics and related technologies. It combines two major biometrics conferences, the IEEE Biometrics Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS) conference and the International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), and is made possible through a special agreement between the IEEE Biometrics Council and the IAPR TC-4. IJCB 2023 is the 7th iteration of this major joint event.

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BIOSIG 2023 – 22nd International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group

Date: 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-22 Location: Justus-Liebig-Haus, Große Bachgasse 2, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: CAST in cooperaton with the BSI, EAB, NBL, ATHENE, the Hochschule Ansbach, the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, IET Biometrics Journal, and the special interest group BIOSIG of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
Program (ext.)

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European Biometrics Max Snijder, Research, and Industry Awards 2023

Date: 2023-09-20 (16:00-19:30 CET) Location: Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie SIT, Rheinstraße 75, Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.


EAB is launching the seventeenth European Biometric Max Snijder, Research, and Industry Awards. These prestigious awards are granted annually to individuals who have been judged by a panel of internationally respected experts to be making a significant contribution to the field of biometrics research in Europe.

GOLD sponsor of this event:
Logo of IDEMIA
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13th EAB General Assembly

Date: 2023-09-19 (16:15-18:15 CET) Location: Hybrid event (virtual and physical) at Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstraße 75, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

This event is for EAB members only.
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the evening before the event via email.


All members of EAB are invited to join us for our annual General Assembly.

EAB-RPC 2023 – EAB Research Projects Conference 2023

Date: 2023-09-18 (14:45 CET) - 2023-09-20 (16:00 CET) Location: Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstraße 75, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) with the contribution of eu-LISA through its Governance and Capabilities Unit, the support of DG HOME of the European Commission, Fraunhofer IGD and Halmstad University.

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event.


[Illustration] Banner on EAB Research Projects Conference (EAB-RPC 2023)

The 10th edition of the EAB Research Projects Conference is organised by the European Association on Biometrics (EAB) with the contribution of eu-LISA through its Governance and Capabilities Unit, the support of DG HOME of the European Commission, Fraunhofer IGD and Halmstad University.

The conference is currently the largest event on research funded by the European Union in the area of Biometrics and Identity Management. Over the previous successful editions, EAB-RPC has become the main forum in Europe where attendees can simultaneously: promote research carried out in biometrics, forge new links and networks, and identify the appropriate partners for possible future project applications. Last year’s edition welcomed over 70 participants from academia, industry and public institutions.

We thank our contributors:
Logo of eu-LISA Logo of the European Commission Logo of Fraunhofer IGDLogo of Halmstad University

We thank our DIAMOND sponsor:

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German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group

Date: 2023-09-18 (09:30-14:30 CET) Location: Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstraße 75, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group in cooperation with the European Association of Biometrics

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.


Workshop of the Biometrics Working Group of TeleTrusT, the IT Security Association in Germany

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Logo of Biometric Update

Workshop on Frontiers in Privacy and Security for Biometrics in Europe: Outcomes from PriMa & TReSPAsS-ETN EU Projects

Date: 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-14 Location: EURECOM - Campus SophiaTech - French Riviera

Organizer: PriMa and TReSPAsS-ETN projects in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics
Program (ext.)

Registration: Please register at https://www.trespass-etn.eu/workshop/registration.html

The workshop showcases the outcomes of the PriMa and TReSPAsS-ETN projects, which have received funding from the EU H2020 MSCA. The event is set to deliver significant insights into privacy, security, and biometrics. Interdisciplinary experts will gather for two days to present their cutting-edge findings and breakthroughs in these fields.

Sessions will explore a range of key areas including technical advancements, threat mitigation strategies, usability, strategies to counter presentation attacks and deepfakes, impact assessments, and the legal aspects of biometrics and AI. The ESRs will present fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, contributing to the richness of the dialogue.

The workshop is designed to drive societal acceptance of biometrics, foster improvements in security measures, address privacy concerns and navigate legal compliance. Participants can expect to gain comprehensive insights into biometric applications and their societal and legal implications, helping shape the future landscape of privacy and security solutions for biometrics.

For more information and to register for the workshop, please visit the official website: https://www.trespass-etn.eu/workshop/

Final Workshop of the DATAFACE Project

Date: 2023-06-08 (14:00-17:30 CET) Location: Online

Organizer: Catherine Jasserand in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

[Illustration] Final Workshop of the DATAFACE Project

Would you like to discover the latest regulatory developments concerning the regulation of facial recognition in public spaces in Europe? Are you curious about the discussions on the future AI Act, the state-of the art of facial recognition, and the United States' approach on the issue?

DATAFACE investigates the use of facial recognition in public spaces for surveillance purposes and the impact on the rights to privacy and data protection, based on a country trend and a technical analysis of the systems.

The workshop will give insights into the project's objectives and spark discussion on whether a legitimate and proportionate use of the technology can be found, in balance with individuals’ fundamental rights.

Join Catherine and several experts who will delve into specific aspects of her research, such as the notion of ‘public spaces’, the technological advancements in facial recognition, and the complexity of the regulatory landscapes on the issue.

This is the final workshop of Catherine's postdoctoral project DATAFACE – funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship program. Catherine is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for IT& IP law (CiTiP) at KU Leuven and part of the Biometric Law Lab established by Professor Els Kindt.

Norwegian Biometric Forum Meeting

Date: 2023-05-25 (09:30-15:00 CET) Location: Hybrid meeting at the Norwegian ID Centre's premises at Økernveien 11-13 at Tøyen with the option for virtual participation. Please indicate in the comment field of your registration either "on-site" or "remote"

Organizer: Norwegian Biometric Forum in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required

The Norwegian Biometric Forum (NBF) is an open platform dedicated to regular exchange of information and experience related to the field of Biometrics. The target of the group is the interdisciplinary discussion between research, technology developers, data privacy experts, governmental agencies and operators of Biometric Systems. In the regular meetings new applications, latest research results and products are presented.

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EAB & CITeR Biometrics Workshop

Date: 2023-04-18 - 2023-04-19 Location: Martigny, Switzerland and online

Organizer: The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in collaboration with the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) and IDIAP

!!!SOLD OUT!!! Tickets to participate in person are SOLD OUT!!!

ONLINE participation open until start of event.

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event.

Note: If you are not yet an EAB-member, please consider to register for membership first (starting from 95,00 € per year). You then can register for online participation of the workshop as an EAB-member for only 100,00 € instead of 200,00 €, which means an overall saving of 5,00 € and access to all the benefits of being an EAB member for the rest of the year!


[Illustration] EAB & CITeR Biometrics Workshop

The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) and the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) are organising a 2-day biometrics workshop, hosted by the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny Switzerland on April 18-19 2023, on the topics of Bias mitigation, Template Security, Presentation Attack Detection and Deepfakes. This workshop is a second edition of the EAB workshop on Presentation Attack Detection previously hosted at the Idiap Research Institute in 2020.

The workshop will be co-located with the CITeR Spring 2023 Program Review and training events of the TReSPAsS-ETN and PriMa-ITN projects.

GOLD Sponsors of this event:

Logo of IDEMIA Logo of Jenetric Logo of TECH 5Logo of VERIDIUM

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Technology Behind an Inclusive Decentralized Digital Identity

Date: 2023-04-11 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Rahul Parthe

Digital ID is a trend. But how should the technology solution be designed to make digital identity secure, private, inclusive, and compliant with the main standards and requirements? During his presentation, Rahul Parthe, Co-founder, Chairman, and CTO of TECH5 Group, will share his vision and approach in creating a web3 compliant Digital ID using TECH5’s and partner’s technologies. This approach allows to facilitate online and offline verification of a Digital ID, issued in an electronic or printed format, and bind an identity holder to their digital ID biometrically.

Curriculum vitæ

Chairman of TECH5 Group, Rahul Parthe oversees TECH5’s product and technology strategy, focusing on developing disruptive biometric and digital ID technology platforms through the application of AI and Machine Learning.   Rahul possesses deep expertise in leading research and development of AI-based biometric algorithms, including innovative contactless fingerprint capture and digital ID technologies for mobile devices, such as T5-AirSnap and T5-IDencode. A combination of sustained investment and single-minded dedication to the development of biometric modalities that capitalize on AI has resulted in TECH5’s algorithms developed by Rahul Parthe and his team being consistently ranked in the top tier of NIST ranking for face, fingerprint and iris recognition technologies.  Rahul was the key system architect of UIDAI program which has enrolled more than 1.3B identities till date. He is also the lead architect for Indonesia National ID that now holds 193 million tri-modal enrollments. Other key organizations where Rahul was or is involved as a visionary and a technology architect include Identix, L1 Identity Solutions, Securimetrics, Morpho and InterBio.  

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Exploring Transformers for Behavioural Biometrics

Date: 2023-03-28 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Paula Delgado de Santos

Mobile devices such as smartphones and smartwatches are part of our everyday lives, acquiring large amounts of personal information which needs to be properly secured. Among the different authentication techniques, behavioural biometrics has become a very popular method as it allows authentication in a non-intrusive and continuous way. We propose M-GaitFormer, a novel mobile biometric gait verification system based on Transformer architectures. The proposed system outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches based on popular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). This biometric system only considers the accelerometer and gyroscope data acquired by the mobile device.

Curriculum vitæ

Paula Delgado de Santos has a bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. She later acquired a master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering while she was pursuing a scholarship of IBM together with her home university. The previous year she was working at a Swiss University, HEIG-VD, as a Data Scientist. In 2020 she began her PhD studies with a Marie Curie Fellowship within the PriMa (Privacy Matters) EU project, supervised by Professor Richard Guest (University of Kent) and Doctor Ruben Tolosana (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid). She will study the richness of background sensor data elements obtained from mobile devices in a continuous authentication scenario.

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German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group

Date: 2023-03-21 (10:00-17:00 CET) Location: Hybrid meeting: Hochschule Darmstadt with the option for virtual participation. Please indicate in the comment field of your registration either "on-site" or "remote"

Organizer: German TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group in cooperation with the European Association of Biometrics
Attendance is free of charge, Registration is required. Access data will be sent to the participants in the morning of the event.

Workshop of the Biometrics Working Group of TeleTrusT, the IT Security Association in Germany

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Logo of Biometric Update

NBLAW 2023 – Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory Annual Workshop 2023

Date: 2023-03-08 (09:30-15:45 CET) Location: Hybrid Event, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Campus Gjøvik Room K102, Norway

Organizer: Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory (NBL) in cooperation with the European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.


Back in spring 2011 our Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory (NBL) was established and for the opening we organized a workshop. Since then we have celebrated the NBL Annual Workshops (NBLAW). All the workshops are listed on the NBL homepage.

European laws and international standards categorize biometric data as sensitive personal data that require adequate protection. Where biometric data is stored, transferred, or processed, this protection must be assured. NBLAW 2023 therefore aims to shine a light on the recent progress and challenges in biometric template protection from a cryptographic standpoint. In particular, the need for post-quantum protection of biometric templates will be a focus. Furthermore, it is the goal of the workshop to connect research and real-life applications through addressing questions such as current quantum security levels for homomorphic encryption schemes and efficient ways of computing on encrypted biometric data. The workshop will be held as a hybrid event and can be attended remotely as well.

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Workshop on Protection of Biometric Data Under GDPR

Date: 2023-03-01 (13:00-17:00 CET) Location: Remote

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.

Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials before the event via email.


[Illustration] Banner on Workshop on Protection of Biometric Data Under GDPR

Cognisant of the privacy risks for data subjects interacting with biometric systems, researchers in academia and industry have devised a variety of biometric template protection schemes based on one-way functions. Unlike traditional asymmetric encryption, one-way functions allow biometric recognition to happen in the encrypted domain. Thus, they protect the confidentiality and integrity of biometric templates end to end, that is, during transmission, processing, and storage.

To discuss the concerns about the legal implications of the protection schemes under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Association for Biometrics (EAB) is hosting a workshop on March 1st, 2023. The main themes covered will include GDPR safety standards, cryptography, and GDPR in relation to biometric data. The workshop will feature three keynote speakers, a roundtable discussion, and an online networking session.

The aim of the event is to inform about the topic, and to provide a comprehensive understanding of current trends, as well as to discuss current and future challenges related to biometric data protection under GDPR requirements.

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Logo of Biometric Update

Can We Exploit Human Visual Attention to Improve Face Recognition Models?

Date: 2023-02-14 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Dr Marinella Cadoni

[Illustration] Banner on Lunch Talk: Can We Exploit Human Visual Attention to Improve Face Recognition Models?

State of the art face detection and recognition algorithms are increasingly focusing on attention, but how do they compare with human attention on faces? Do they “fixate” the same areas as humans do? Can we use human fixations to improve recognition models? We try to answer these questions using a human fixations dataset on face images, comparing them to Visual Transformers and using them to build a bottom-up, part-based model for face detection and recognition.


Curriculum vitæ

Marinella Cadoni received her PhD on Mathematics at the University of Warwick (UK) in 2004. From 2004 to 2008 she worked as a postdoc at the IEIIT-CNR research institute located in Turin, where she carried out research in the field of Computer Vision. She then won a three year research grant on Biometrics at the University of Sassari. From 2011 to 2017 she carried out research activities at the University of Sassari and for private companies. From 2017 she is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Sassari. Her research interests focus on Biometrics, 3D object reconstruction and retrieval and human visual attention.

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Ethics, Biometrics and AI: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Why European Parliament's Concerns Are Probably Disproportionate

Date: 2023-01-31 (12:30-13:30 CET) Location: Zoom

Organizer: European Association for Biometrics (EAB)

Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Registered participants will receive dial-in credentials the morning of the event.

Speakers: Dr Emilio Mordini

In June 2021, the European Parliament (EP) asked for a permanent ban on the automated recognition of individuals in public spaces. Parliament calls for the use of private facial recognition databases and predictive policing based on behavioural data to be forbidden. Dr Emilio Mordini argues that EP's reasons for concern are partly misplaced and stem from an overemphasis on the technological potential of AI for recognition technology and an underestimation of its inherent limitations. His argument is based on what has been called 'the most beautiful 10 minutes in the history of cinema': the final sequence of Sergio Leone's movie ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly'.

Curriculum vitæ

Emilio Mordini is an M.D. and M.Phil.; he has some 40 years of practice as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.  During his professional life, he has been awarded with several research grants within the scope of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th RTD FPs, and H2020, and by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. Emilio pioneered international research on ethics of biometrics, launching in 2003 the FP6 project BITE (Biometric Technology Ethics) and initiating 4 major international conferences on ethics of biometrics, held in Europe (15-16 Dec 2005, Brussels, jointly convened by the European Commission), in the US (28 – 29 Nov 2006, jointly convened by the US Dept. of Homeland Security), in India (24-25 Sept 2009, New Delhi, jointly convened by the Data Security Council of India), and in the People's Republic of China (4-5 Jan 2010, Hong Kong, and 11-12 Oct 2011, Beijing, jointly convened by the HK Polytechnic University and the Chinese Academy of Science). Currently, he serves as a member of the CERIS Expert Group at DG Home and chairs the ethical committee of the European Association of Biometrics (EAB). He has extensively published in international journals and edited several books.

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Next Event

Info letter

Our partners

  • Logo of Biometric Update
  • CPDP 2024
  • Identity Day Logo
  • Springer Logo
  • TeleTrusT Logo